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Sanhita Sinharay

Principal Investigator ( 2021 -present)


Sanhita received her Bachelors from Jadavpur University and Masters in Chemistry from IIT Madras. She received her Ph.D., from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She joined the National Institutes of Health, NIH, USA, as a post-doctoral fellow at the Clinical Center, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences. Prior to joining IISc, she was a Junior faculty at MD Anderson Cancer Center, TX, USA,  in the Department of Cancer Systems Imaging. [CV]

Post - Doctoral Fellow


Suvam Kumar Panda

2024 -present

B.Sc - Chemistry, Utkal University (2015)
M.Sc - Chemistry, North Orissa University (2017)

PhD - Chemsitry, IIT Bhubaneswar (2023)
Thesis Title: Development of Molecular Probes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fluorescence Imaging

Design and Syntheses of Contrast agents for
Photoacoustic imaging and CEST MRI

Graduate Students


Pooja Patkulkar

01/2021 - Present

DBT SRF fellow

Integrated M.Sc., Biotechnology, University of Pune (2020)

Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods to improve oncologic therapy outcomes.

Ananya Sharma

08/2021 - Present 
Prime Minister's Research Fellow, PMRF

M.Tech, Biological Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar (2021)

Development and translation of photoacoustic imaging agents for improved diagnostics.

Arjun S V
08/2022 - Present 
Prime Minister's Research Fellow,
Integrated M. Tech, Medical Nanotechnology,
SASTRA Deemed University (2022)
Photoacoustic imaging of tumour glucose metabolism
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Roshni P
08/2023 - Present 
MD Physiology - Christian Medical College, Vellore (2022)
MBBS - Christian Medical College, Vellore (2016)
Photoacoustic imaging  and metabolomics of ovarian cancer
Ankita Mandal
08/2024 - Present 
BS-MS (Major in Biological Sciences and Minor in Chemistry), IISER Kolkata (2024)
Photoacoustic molecular imaging for targeted diagnosis of triple - negative breast cancer (TNBC)
Sneha Noble
08/2024 - Present 
B.Tech - Biomedical Engineering,
TKM Institute of Technology (2021)
M.Tech - Biomedical Instrumentation and Signal Processing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (2023) 
Validation and translation of extracellular pH as an MRI-based biomarker for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Thuria Hasan
08/2024 - Present 
B.Sc - Medical Instrumentation, University of Gezira
Research Assistant - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
M.Tech - Biomedical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
Photoacoustic contrast agent development for the early detection of colon cancer

Research Trainees

Sneha Ravanan
08/2024 - Present 
Research Associate, Aragen Life Sciences, Bengaluru (2022 - 24)
M.Sc - Chemistry, Alagappa University (2022)
B.Sc - Chemsitry, Seethalakshmi Ramaswamy College, Trichy (2020)
Development of photoacoustic contrast agents for colon polyps
Syed Tameemuddin
07/2024 - Present 
M.Tech - Bioengineering, IISc Bengaluru*
B.Tech - Chemical Engineering,
Meerut Institute of Engineering and technology
Vishaka Gouda
07/2024 - Present 
BS-MS, IISER Berhampur (2025)*
Photoacoustic imaging of the brain
Photoacoustic imaging of the brain

Past Members


Ananya Banerjee

Vinay V

Sagnik Mitra

07/2023 - 07/2024

B.Sc.(H) Chemistry, Krishnath College, Berhampore
M.Sc. Chemistry, University of Kalyani

08/2023 - 01/2024

Integrated M.Sc., Biotechnology,
University of Pune (2023)

Integrated M. Tech, Biotechnology (2023)
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar

08/2023 - 01/2024

Present: Doctoral Student at Friedrich Schiller Universitat and Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology

Present: Graduate Student at IISER Bhopal

Present: Research Associate at
CSIR - IICB, Kolkata

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Rittika Chatterjee

02/2023 - 07/2023

Lishel Pinto

10/2021 - 05/2022

Soumyashree Sahoo

01/2022 - 05/2023

B.Sc Chemistry, St. Xavier's College, Kolkata
M.Sc Chemistry, IIT Guwahati

BE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, India

BS-MS (Major in Chemistry and minor in Biology,
IISc (2023)

Present: Project Manager/Outreach Coordinator, Molecular Semiconductors Pvt.Ltd., Bengaluru

Present: ME, Northeastern University, US

Present: Graduate student, UT Austin, TX, US

Summer Interns


Amit John - B.Tech in Biotechnology, IIT Madras

Avanika - BS-MS, IISER Mohali

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