Research overview
We are a multidisciplinary research team. The central theme of all our studies focuses on improving personalized healthcare through molecular imaging methods and tools, namely MRI, PET, and photoacoustic imaging, that can noninvasively diagnose diseases at early stages and assess early response to therapeutic regimens, and improve surgical outcomes through image-guidance. We discover, develop, and translate molecular imaging biomarkers through an interplay of chemistry, molecular biology, and molecular imaging. Our molecular imaging agents and methods aim to quantify changes in physiological biomarkers of the tumor microenvironment, such as pH, hypoxia, and enzyme activity, as well as tumor-specific cell surface receptors. We use preclinical rodent models to validate and translate our imaging probes and methods within an in vivo setting, with the ultimate goal of clinical translation.
Lab news
Sanhita receives the MoE-STARS grant. This study will focus on photoacoustic contrast agents for the targeted diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer metastases.
Dr. Marty Pagel from MD Anderson Center visits the lab.
Ananya and Sanhita at EMIM 2023, Salzburg, Austria. Ananya gives her first oral presentation at an international meeting! Sanhita chairs the session 'Optoacoustic, Ultrasound, Multimodal probe chemistry.'
Arjun, Pooja, and Sanhita go to IISER Berhampur to attend the NMRS 2023 meeting. Pooja gives her poster presentation on pH-responsive CEST MRI agent development. Sanhita delivers an invited talk at NMRS 2023.
Sanhita gives an invited talk at the NCBS Annual talks, NCBS Bangalore.
Sanhita attended the international Biomedical Imaging meeting at IIT Madras and delivered an invited talk.
Pooja's first review article is out in ACS Omega!
Arjun has been awarded the prestigious Prime Ministers Research Fellowship (PMRF) Fellowship!
Contact us
Molecular Imaging
Research Lab, Lab No. LG02,
Lower Ground Floor, Department of Bioengineering,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India - 560012
Email: sanhitas[at]iisc.ac.in
Phone: +91-80-2293-3695
Research Funding